Policy alcoves

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One of thirteen policy alcoves designed by Ralph Appelbaum Associates. Photo by Phil Frana.

Thirteen policy alcoves covering fourteen themes document the presidency of Bill Clinton in the Clinton Library museum exhibits.

Alcove 1: Putting People First covers health care reform and the Family and Medical Leave Act.

Alcove 2: Learning Across a Lifetime highlights education.

Alcove 3: Building One America covers AmeriCorps and hate crime legislation.

Alcove 4: Science and Technology features an Apple Classic II.

Alcove 5: The Fight for Power interprets the impeachment of the president.

Alcove 6: Preparing for New Threats depicts terrorism and includes a wanted poster for Osama Bin Laden.

Alcove 7: Expanding Our Shared Prosperity covers humanitarian efforts and poverty fighting.

Alcove 8: Restoring the Economy.

Alcove 9: Making Communities Safer features the Brady Bill of 1994 and a banned AK-47 semi-automatic assault rifle.

Alcove 10: Protecting the Earth features a map of protected U.S. Forest Service, National Park Service, Historic Sites, and Monument lands between 1993 and 2000.

Alcove 11: Work of the First Lady illustrates the work of Hillary Rodham Clinton.

Alcove 12: Building a Global Economy.

Alcove 13: Confronting Conflicts/Making Peace describes foreign policy and Clinton-era world conflicts in Bosnia, the Balkans, and the Middle East.