Golden Eagle of Arkansas
A Budweiser wholesaler located east of Interstate 30 at 1900 East 15th Street in Little Rock, AR near the Little Rock National Airport.
Was purchased by Robert Vogel, a Little Rock real estate investor, and two other investors in 2002 from the Bray family who had owned the company for the previous 35 years, most recently by Bill Bray. Diane Bray, the wife of Bill Bray began a ice company under the name Golden Eagle Ice in 1991 to complement the beer distributor owned by her husband. By 1993, Golden Eagle Ice had 45% of the market in Central Arkansas. In 1996, Diane Bray submitted a motion to the Arkansas Court of Appeals against the Golden Eagle of Arkansas in the lawsuit Diane Bray v. Golden Eagle of Arkansas, Inc. No record is online on what the lawsuit was about.